In the town of Ogden Marsh, Iowa, Sheriff David Dutton, enjoys a local high school baseball game. Deputy Russell Clank spots Rory Hamill, a local resident, entering the outfield holding a shotgun. David is forced to shoot and kill the unresponsive Rory. David and his wife Judy, the community doctor, begin to notice other town residents exhibiting strange and bizarre behavior. The next night a local farmer burns his house down with his wife and son trapped inside, killing them.
When a pilot's body is reported in a swamp, David and Russell also discover a cargo plane submerged under the water. Communication services are lost, and soldiers arrive and take all residents for containment at the high school. Everyone entering is examined for symptoms of infection. Judy does not pass the examination and is separated from David. She explains her fever is due to pregnancy, but is sedated anyway. She wakes strapped to a gurney as the perimeter of the facility is breached by the infected. The military personnel evacuate, leaving Judy and others behind. David is nearing evacuation, but escapes and rejoins Deputy Russell. They rescue Judy and her hospital assistant Becca.
David, Judy, Russell, and Becca make their way out of town on foot. Unable to find an operable vehicle. They encounter Becca's boyfriend, Scotty when they pass through his farm. Before they continue, soldiers invade the McGregor farm and shoot Scotty and his mother. The group repairs a vintage car, and once on the road are spotted by an attack helicopter and drive into a car wash for cover. Infected attack and kill Becca, and the helicopter destroys the car. Again on foot, Russell disables a passing government SUV. The driver reveals the cargo plane contained "Trixie", a "Rhabdoviridae prototype" biological weapon. Enraged, Russell shoots the driver and threatens Judy and David. When confronted about his behavior, Russell realizes he is infected and dies distracting a blockade of soldiers so Judy and David can sneak past.
David and Judy arrive at a truck stop to search for a vehicle, discovering the military also executed those who were evacuated. Fending off infected, they escape in a semi-truck. Ogden Marsh is destroyed in a huge explosion as they flee, causing their truck to flip. As the couple walk towards Cedar Rapids, a view from a military satellite highlights the city, and the words "initiate containment protocol" appear, signifying another containment attempt.
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